Oyu and Jun met at the end of the 90's in Tokyo's indie music scene.Since the early 2000s, they have both been devoted to club culture, especially techno.In the 2010's, both of them were no longer active, but in 2020, based on various triggers and thoughts, they formed Magicbug.Their goal is to create a pictorial mix of the various musical experiences and perspectives on life that they have experienced, while maintaining an ideal sound for the dance floor.
Oyu - Vocalist / Songwriter / Lyricist / Illustrator ------------ Born in Koenji,Tokyo.Studied piano from the age of five.Graduated from a high school attached to an art college and an art college.She played bass and vocals in a band She formed as a student, and also wrote lyrics for the band.She has released two albums on the label, toured domestically and internationally, and has also worked as a solo artist.After the breakup of the band, she was not active in music, but she became devoted to dance music. She was also impressed by the party culture itself.After many experiences, she was motivated to start her own music career again and formed Magicbug with Jun in 2020.She has been creating illustrations and paintings since she was a teenager, and in recent years she has also studied picture book production.
Jun - Producer / Engineer / Arranger / Lyricist / MV Director ------------ Born in Kunitachi,Tokyo.He has been immersed in band activities and track production since his teens.His musical background includes film music that he has loved since childhood, songs, Western pop music, underground music in general, thrash metal, grindcore, hardcore, contemporary music, free jazz, experimental music, electronic music, and improvisation.Since his early twenties, he has been devoted to club culture, especially techno, and has worked as a VJ for several years, including residencies at major clubs such as Tokyo's Module, womb, and ageha.Formed Magicbug with Oyu in 2020.
マジックバグ ------ OyuとJunは90年代末に東京のインディミュージックのシーンで出会い、2000年代初期から共にテクノを中心としたクラブカルチャーに傾倒する。2010年代に入ると2人とも目立った活動はしなくなっていたが、2020年、様々なきっかけや思いをもとにMagicbugを結成。ダンスフロア仕様のサウンドを理想に持ちながら2人が体験してきた様々な音楽と人生観を絵画的にミックスした表現を目指す。
オユ / ヴォーカル 作曲 作詞 / 東京、高円寺出身。------ 5歳からピアノを習う。美術大学付属高校、美術大学卒業。学生時代に結成したバンドでベースとヴォーカルを担当、作詞作曲にも加わる。レーベルからアルバムを2枚リリース、国内、海外ツアー、ソロ活動も経験。解散後は音楽活動をしていなかったが、ダンスミュージックに傾倒。パーティー文化自体にも感銘を受ける。様々な経験を踏まえ再び自身の音楽活動に意欲が湧き2020年からJunとMagicbugを結成。イラスト、絵画制作は10代から継続、近年は絵本制作の勉強もした。
ジュン / トラックメイク アレンジ プロデュース 作詞 / 東京、国立出身。------ 10代からバンド活動、トラック制作に没頭。音楽のバックグラウンドは幼少期から好きだった映画音楽、歌謡曲、欧米のポップスに加えアンダーグラウンドな音楽全般、スラッシュメタル、グラインドコア、ハードコア、現代音楽、フリージャズ、実験音楽、電子音楽、即興演奏。20代前半からテクノを中心としたクラブカルチャーに傾倒、VJとしても都内module、womb、ageha他主要クラブでレジデント含め数年間活動。2020年からOyuとMagicbugを結成。
Magicbug Website - https://closedbook.space/magicbug